Friday, November 15, 2013

Hey Local shit!

Looky Here: The boys from Oroville, Ca just down the road from us are doing the bmx video thing

BMX crash at 50mph...

"I was blasting down this hill like iv done 100s of times but this time my headset came loose and my tire stared swapping side to side and sent me into a speed wabble."

Get it while you can: Geekhouse Bottles & Caps

GeekHouse Store/ Original Post

Monday, November 4, 2013

MC Spandex

Got some stuff to post from the alley cat we put on this weekend. in the meantime hit up my buddies Blog for some coverage.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Cinelli: A brand for Mash

So I dont really cop too much Cinelli shit, but I do buy a head covering or two from them every once in a grand grubby while. This will probably most definitely be on the next boat from Italy.
That and this one too, I've been digging this Caleido shit for days. The frameset wouldn't hurt my feelings either. Then you would be one of 'those guys' wouldn't you now, hunh!.

This is how I feel today.

this is why:
we managed to drink the flipside. The pale ale is still a force to be reckoned with.
That was also influenced by Sierra Nevada, however on a different and more auspicious occasion.
The most important part of this post today is to remind you all fuckers of mothers and lickers of babies to come to our alley cat
Konichiwa Bitches